Doing Company's Nigeria Branch was officially established last week

News / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:November 28, 2019

From select the address to transport the vegetable oil machines, it took three months. At last week, with the arrival of overseas manager, Doing Company's Nigeria Branch was officially established.

doing companyThe overseas manager arrived in Nigerian airport

Why does Doing Company build the Branch Company in Nigeria?

1. The vegetable oil market is very hot in Nigeria. Every day we can receive many inquires from Nigerian customers. And Doing Company has finished many oil mill projects in Nigeria, very familiar with the local condition, which can give more help to our customers.

2. Because some customers told us before, they bought the vegetable oil machine from China, but could not work, and in local Nigeria there isn't after-sales service point, they are very disappointed. So for solve these problems, Doing Company decided to build the Nigeria Branch.

3. As many vegetable oil production project is big project, if the customer can communicate with sales manager and engineers face to face, it will be better. So Henan Doing Company send engineers there regularly to solve some problems, like plant designing, technology communication, installation guide, after-sale problem, etc.

4. In addition, Henan Doing Company built a warehouse nearby our Nigerian Branch Company. There are some small scale vegetable oil press machine, cooking machine, filter machine, etc. If customer want to buy these machine directly in local, they can go to visit and buy them, no longer need to wait.

vegetable oil machine in nigeriaThe machines in the Nigerian warehouse

Heard this news, are you excited? If you need vegetable oil machine, contact us quickly!

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